Thursday, December 29, 2011

You can always count on me...I'll save you!

So today I was cleaning and I walked through the livingroom into the kitchen. As I walked in livingroom I looked down at Austin as he was playing on couch. I went in kitchen put a cup in sink turned around and went back in livingroom I didn't look at Austin this time, but I was walking towards Abby and out of nowhere I caught glimpse of movement of a human in the hall. I literally screamed, got my fist put up and was Austin LOL. I said, "Austin how did you do that you were just on the couch, you scared me!!!" His reply(while laughing), "So is that ummm how you plan on saving us if someone ever does come in our house. I feel so safe." I laughed so hard. I love that boy and his sense of humor!


  1. LOL! Love it! Stay Strong Woman :)

  2. hahaha!! Well as long as the intruder moves slowly, you're good!

  3. Hahahaha, Melody so true!!

    And April, I'm gonna have to work on my tae bo moves a little better ha!
